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Tips on How to Install Rubber Landscape Mulch


Updated: Jul 8, 2024

Rubber landscape mulch is an excellent substitute for traditional organic mulch. However, while rubber landscaping mulch can take a little more time to install, the benefits make it an excellent choice for landscaping flower beds, around trees and bushes, and much more! You can easily install your rubber landscape mulch by following the below four steps.

In this blog, we will go over how to install rubber landscape mulch. We will walk through the installation process and provide some great tips. Installing rubber landscape mulch requires forethought and using a few standard garden tools.

Measure the Planting Area You are Mulching

You'll need rough measurements to calculate the amount of rubber landscape mulch you need for your flower beds or planting space. To determine how much mulch to purchase, measure the landscape beds.

Calculate how many cubic feet of rubber landscape mulch you need:

Square Beds

  • Take measurements for length, width, and depth.

  • Add these three figures together to get the total cubic feet.

  • You will need the total cubic feet to ensure your beds are adequately filled.

Circular Beds

  • Calculate the area's diameter and depth.

  • Square the result of dividing the diameter in half.

  • Multiply the depth of the area by 3.14.

  • The total cubic feet required is your final figure.

Oval Beds

  • Take measurements for depth, length, and width.

  • Add all three numbers together.

  • 3.14 times the answer

  • Four times the sum

  • The total cubic feet required is your final figure.

mulching different shaped flower beds

Draw the Mulch Bed's Outline

After you've measured the area and purchased your landscape mulch, define where the edges of the mulch bed will be. To do this, outline the site with stakes or lawn-safe chalk. Next, remove the grass and dirt from your bed with a spade or shovel. Wearing gardening gloves will help avoid sore hands or blisters.

To create your rubber landscape mulch bed, follow these steps:

  • Mark the perimeter of your mulch bed with wooden stakes or lawn chalk.

  • Starting in one corner, insert the spade into the ground to the desired depth and work around the perimeter.

  • Place excess dirt and grass in a wheelbarrow to easily remove them from the site.

  • Adjust the edges as needed to achieve the desired shape.

  • Rake and stamp the soil until you have a level surface.

perimeter of flower beds

Lay Weed Barrier Fabric

Using a quality weed barrier is critical. The barrier helps to reduce the amount of weeding you will have to do in your flower beds because it helps to block sunlight that can help weeds grow.

The following are the tools required to install a weed barrier:

  • Razor knife or garden shears

  • Landscape Staples and Ground Cover Fabric

  • mallet made of rubber

  • Grass or weed killer (optional)

To install a weed fabric barrier, follow these steps:

  • Apply a weed killer before laying the fabric. Choose the type of weed killer that is appropriate for you, whether organic or chemical.

  • Cut the landscape weed barrier to size and place it across your bed.

  • If the area you are covering is larger than the width of your barrier, you will need to overlap the barrier by approximately 12 inches to prevent weeds from pushing through the seams.

  • Once your barrier is in place, mark each spot you will be adding plants and then cut the fabric in the shape of an x so you can easily install your plants. Place the fabric around each plant in areas where you already have plants established.

  • Next, you will want to secure the fabric by hammering landscape stables with a mallet.

weed barrier for rubber landscape mulch

Lay Your Rubber Landscape Mulch

Finally, add your rubber mulch. Adding your mulch should be a relatively quick process compared to the rest of the steps.

  • Once the barrier is in place, It's time to install your rubber landscape mulch.

  • Carry the bags to the location where you will be distributing your mulch.

  • Once the mulch is in place, spread it out with your rake to achieve the desired evenness.

  • Install any desired rubber edging, pavers, or stones.

While rubber mulch has numerous advantages, questions about safety issues often arise. Rubber mulch is safe for humans and animals because it provides a tremendous non-toxic shock-absorbent surfacing and an antimicrobial landscape fill option that is less prone to bacterial and fungal growth.

preparing your landscape for mulch

Three Tips to Avoid Mulching for Years to Come

For most gardeners, the goal is to keep their landscaping beautiful for years after they put in the effort to install their beautiful rubber landscape mulch. Rubber mulch lasts far longer than traditional mulch. Follow the guidelines below for a beautiful landscape year after year.

Pro Tip 1: Purchase Quality Weed Barrier Material

A quality weed barrier will help save time from having to weed your garden bed regularly. While it will not prevent weeds 100%, it will aid in preventing weeds from germinating. Weeds that do grow will most often be around the edge of your landscaping where your fabric ends. These small and sparse weeds are simple to remove. Consider the following factors when selecting a landscape fabric:

  • Fabric vs. Plastic: Fabric is preferable to plastic because it is more porous and prevents water from reaching plants and soil.

  • Thickness: Avoid using fabric that is less than 3oz thick because it will tear more easily, which allows weeds to break through.

  • Non-woven vs. woven barriers: Barriers that are woven are sturdier than non-woven ones.

Pro Tip 2: Only buy Premium Rubber Landscape Mulch.

Purchase only top-tier quality rubber landscape mulch. By purchasing premium quality mulch from a reputable brand like Rooster Rubber, you can ensure your mulch is safe and will not cause contamination or hazards. Also, make sure to inquire whether the mulch has been color treated and will retain its pigment for years to come.

Furthermore, the processing and safety of premium rubber nuggets and shredded rubber mulch removes any metal abrasives and keeps them safe for use. Rooster Rubber provides premium rubber landscaping mulch that is safe and aesthetically beautiful for your landscaping needs.

Prop Tip 3: Rake/Blow Mulch Regularly

Rake through your mulch when you notice it has lost some color to keep it looking new. This extends the life of your mulch by keeping it looking new.

Premium Rubber Mulch with Proven Processing and Color Treatment:

  • It enables you to remove leaf litter and other seasonal debris.

  • Mixing in deeper mulch with a top layer exposed to UV light extends the life and appearance.

  • Color is renewed without the need for new mulch.

laying rubber landscape mulch

In Closing

Rubber landscape mulch is an excellent choice for low-maintenance, long-lasting mulch. It's a great option to consider because it's simple to install and doesn't need to be replaced as frequently. Rooster Rubber is here to help you with all your rubber landscape mulch needs. Please contact us with questions about installation or if you need bulk rubber mulch!



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